Face 2 Face Meeting times / Summer term
What does this mean for meeting times?
It will mean that until further notice ALL Beavers (HQ meetings), will be at the HQ on Forty Foot Road on a Monday from 5.15pm to 6.15pm this will be open to all members of Beaver age.
All Beavers will be notified by the section leader Emily
It will mean that until further notice all cubs (HQ meetings), will be at the HQ on Forty Foot Road on a Monday from 6.45pm to 8.00pm this will be open to all members of Cub age.
All Cubs will be notified by the Beaver section leader Emily until a cub section leader can be appointed.
It will mean that until further notice Scouts (HQ meetings), will continue to meet at the HQ on Forty Foot Road on a friday at 7.30pm to 9.30pm for all members of Scout age. However due to the much larger number of active Scouts we are planning to try and offer a second evening should this not be possible we will arrange alternate weeks.
All Scouts will be notified by the section Leader Tom..
Further details for Cubs and Beavers will be released shortly. We will endeavour as I have said to make the return as fair as possible. Active current members will have priority over new members so there will be a staggered start for any new members to the group.